
I have been crazy-busy, but there are a few things that I thought were worth mentioning. Iceberg season has begun in Newfoundland and apparently the tourists are flocking to take boat tours out among the icy giants. It’s a great year for watching ice melt in something other than your glass! Icebergfinder.com shows 53 icebergs on today’s map.

Food find of the month – PC Lentil Hummus. This new product from the folks at Loblaws is fantastic! Try it with cucumber slices or salty tortilla chips. Oh heck, just eat it with a spoon! It’s worth every penny and every calorie.

I’m planning my next backyard dinner party and am thinking lentils could be the theme. Is that too much? Went to the Good Food Festival in Toronto recently where I was given a cookbook on lentils. Mighty little things, but I don’t want to overwhelm.

Potential Menu:

  • Lentil hummus and cucumbers
  • Pumpkin ravioli with a tomato, basil and lentil sauce with grana padano shavings
  • Chicken breasts stuffed with spinach, red lentils, wild mushrooms and asiago, fingerlings and pattipan squash
  • Okay I’m stumped on dessert. Maybe a summer berry (is there any such thing anymore?) pie and cream. 

Now I can feature another new favourite – PC “flavour burst” blueberries. Genetically-modified food or just some spectacular hybrid? After years of lousy, bland, but massive blueberries, it’s great to have something so big AND tasty. Of course, nothing beats fresh-picked blueberries from the hills in Newfoundland. Another small, but mighty food. Try a blind-folded taste test with your family and friends. Some have said they taste more like grapes.

Last thing, I found a new website that I like: Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador. Nice slogans, good sentiments and lovely images. Don’t know if I can join – must investigate further. They are currently featuring a call for nominations for the Hospitality Ambassador awards. Just saying…

Happy Eating!


Food Finds

I believe in sharing, especially in sharing new food finds. I know I’m not alone. I hope you find some inspiration here and in the true spirit of sharing, leave some behind for me.

When I lived in California, I looked forward to every edition of Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer. Now, back in Canada, my enthusiasm has transferred to the President’s Choice Insider’s Report.

Loblaws is brilliant. The new PC products start appearing on store shelves (I spot them right away), whetting my appetite for the coming food adventures. And then I wait. I know the Insider’s Report is on its way and it never disappoints. It guides me like a food GPS, through every aisle until I’ve tried every new product (well, except for anything with goat cheese).

The latest issue for the 2011 holiday season now sits on my kitchen table, already dog-eared and lined with red marker. In upcoming blogs I’ll let you know what I’ve tried and if I’ve discovered any creative adaptations that propelled me one step closer to food heaven.

I don’t only eat PC products, far from it, but I am a fan so you’ll see lots of comments on their new products – good and bad.

Happy Eating!


Food Accessorizing

During the holiday season I start thinking about parties and cocktail dresses. A classic black number is a safe bet albeit boring. But what if I add a thick pearl necklace and long purple satin gloves for a new twist on an iconic look? Now it’s both classic and inspired.

I think of food the same way. Start with a basic then accessorize with new and unexpected flavours.

My project for today was a leftover baked potato. I heated and chopped the full potato, added some margarine, a pinch of salt and made a rough mash including the skin. I could have stopped there, enjoyed the comfort that only a baked potato can provide, but there was no excitement.

Back to the fridge. There it was – PC masala hummus. Uh-huh, that’s the flavour I wanted. Two tablespoons mixed into the warm potato mash, some green peas, sliced almonds and a few raisins. I’m ready for the party.

Happy Eating!
